Happy Friday! A Lesson on Defeating Anger
Have a fantastic Friday! Don't let anger overtake you today in anything that you do.
Fridays in America are both happy and stressful. People are eager to get home after a long work week and start their weekends.
Sometimes this craving leads people to lose their tempers if they believe they are being impeded. Particularly in traffic or if standing in lines.
So if you find yourself feeling tense, agitated, annoyed, or even angry, take a moment to breathe.
Notice where your tension is arising.
Is it in your jaws? Are you clinching or gritting your teeth?
Is it in your chest? Are you feeling tightness or are you taking short, shallow breaths?
Is it in your neck? Are your shoulder muscles and neck muscles involuntarily flexed - leaving your neck stiff?
Is it somewhere else for you?
Notice these things happening and then, begin to discard the stress that is causing them.
Breathe deeply at least five breaths and try to focus your breaths in to the areas where you are feeling the stress affect your body.
Then try to smile.
Think of something that makes you happy.
Finally, extend kindness to someone else. If you're in traffic, smile at someone next to you or let someone in to your lane. If you're in a line, start a conversation with a stranger or let someone with just one or two items go in front of you.
If you do these things, you will be able to greet the weekend with a sense of calm and serenity.
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